When you gotta shut 'er down

Red Fox is devoted to your safety. Whether you are a family farm or large corporation, Red Fox can meet the needs of you, your family, and your employees. We are committed to keeping machinery and vehicles, which can otherwise be dangerous, secure and controlled. Using our Fox-Paws, any piece of machinery or vehicle can be remotely turned off with the push of a button.


Red Fox’s industrial wireless remote kill switch (remote engine killswitch) cuts off the power supply to the engine/motor at the push of a button. Thus it ensures safety while working with equipment, and safety from equipment and engine related accidents.

“The Fox-Paws Safety System gives us “PEACE OF MIND”. Whenever one of our employees is working alone, even 10 yards away from help, one second could save a limb, or a life. With Fox-Paws, they can instantly shut down machineryand equipment. We would much rather notify authorities and family that there has not been a tragic accident, but he’s OK, thanks to his personal Fox safety cutoff unit. “An investment that truly is PRICELESS”

Phone: 208-231-5860
Office Hours: Monday - Saturday 7:00-6:00
Questions: ted@redfoxenterprises.com

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